Amaryllis -Stripchat

Amaryllis Stripchat

Amaryllis Stripchat

Amaryllis -StripchatFrom a distance, the brightly colored blooms of Amaryllis Stripchat look like a color explosion. They’re a visual treat that also elicits emotions and serves as a living reminder of the importance of love and success. And it’s a beautiful way to celebrate winter, a time of year when we’re all looking for some sunshine and sparkle in our lives.

This plant has long been considered a symbol of strength and determination, as well as the power to succeed in any endeavor. Its stripes also convey confidence and optimism—perfect for this season when we’re all preparing for exams, interviews, or waiting on good news.

Amaryllis plants are easy to grow and make great gifts, whether they’re for yourself or for a loved one. Just follow these tips:

Provide plenty of bright light, water regularly and fertilize monthly with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer (more than that can cause salts to build up in the roots). During the active growing season, remove faded flowers but leave stems until they yellow or begin to wither. This will allow the plant to photosynthesize and create energy to grow future flowers.

Amaryllis hybrids and species are trouble free, but one disease that can affect them is red blotch (Stagonospora curtissi). Look for elongated cankers with red borders on the base of flower stalks and emerging leaves, and treat them with a fungicide. This plant is pollinated by carpenter bees and noctuid moths, which help it to reproduce.